Adobe animation software for mac
Adobe animation software for mac

adobe animation software for mac

These shapes can range from pre-made characters and objects from other Adobe programmes such as Illustrator to simple photographs.

adobe animation software for mac

When applied to 2D animation, the software can manipulate various shapes, images and effects to create complex animations. In terms of stop-motion animation, this would be applied to things such as removing rigging, combining different animated elements into the same shot, or adding visual effects like rain or backgrounds. The program’s main use is for video compositing and post-production – we think of it as ‘Photoshop for video’. This program covers a lot, from post-production effects to motion graphics animation directly within the software. One of the main tools in an animator’s Adobe arsenal is After Effects – a hugely versatile tool. This is perfect when creating stop-motion character designs or background art either for concept art or in post-production.


Photoshop also has a large capability for drawn art, with many brush types and styles built into the program as well as many more that can be found for free online with a quick internet search. For stop motion, this is very useful when creating storyboards or mood boards before you start shooting. Adobe Photoshop allows for intense image manipulation ranging from cutting out elements of an image to completely changing the colours and lighting of a photograph. You may have used this software before but even if you haven’t you probably know that if a picture has been Photoshopped, it’s been changed or manipulated in some way. So well known in fact, that the word ‘Photoshopped’ has become an almost universally recognised adjective. Probably the most famous of the Adobe programs is the image editing software Photoshop.

adobe animation software for mac

From the outset, Adobe software may seem daunting, but we wanted to cover the five main Adobe applications that may benefit you when making an animation production, be it stop-motion or 2D, and how each one can be used to help your animation! 1: Photoshop This company’s digital programs form the basis for many editors, post-production artists and animators’ digital arsenals. When you’re starting out in stop-frame animation, or indeed with other animation techniques and video work too, you will probably hear the name Adobe thrown around.

Adobe animation software for mac